05 October 2006


The ALG/Citizens FOIA sweep is, as predicted, not just limited to Montana. This is an all out assault in the states that Rich & Friends have their proposals on the ballot.
Big-government foes seek campaign records
John Miller
The Associated Press
Edition Date: 10-05-2006

Nearly 2,000 school districts and local governments in Idaho and at least five other states are being targeted by foes of big government, who think taxpayer-funded resources such as computers are being used improperly in political campaigns, including school funding and property-rights measures on the 2006 ballot.

Sweeping, three-page public records requests have also been made in Montana, Nebraska, Arizona and Michigan, said Laird Maxwell, a Boise activist involved with groups behind property rights or government limit initiatives up for a vote in the three states.

In Nevada, agencies could receive records requests this week, the groups said. Some officials call this a disruptive fishing expedition aimed at taxing scarce resources. They've done nothing wrong, they insist...
Are Washington, Oregon and California next?

Stay tuned.



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