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Name: Ed Waldo
Location: of The West,

I am a fictional construct originally conceived as a pen name for articles in the Los Angeles FREE PRESS at the 2000 Democratic Convention. The plume relating to the nom in question rests in the left hand of Hart Williams, about whom, the less said, the better. Officially "SMEARED" by the Howie Rich Gang . GIT'CHER ZUG SWAG HERE!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Retroactive Blog: Bob

This is a dangerous precedent, so let me tell you: I don't "rewrite" history, except to correct typos and elides. The nature of the blog business makes it easy to retroactively cancel posts, or create them. I don't do that. (Except in most extreme circumstances, as in inadvertent copyright infringement, or potentially actionable statements. Nothing is absolute -- Not even absolution.)

[In the interest of full blog disclosure, I am writing this at precisely 4:03 AM PDT on Sunday, March 11, 2007. The timestamp and filing will relegate this, appropriately, to 3:03 AM on Friday. I occasionally fix typos and posts, which is why you who receive this blog via email should check the blog, when in doubt. It went out to you first draft, without proofreading.]

But it's been a busy week, and, listening (early post Daylight Savings Time) to the rerun of "The Young Turks" on AirAmerica Radio, I realized that I had missed a post on Friday, and that the passage of time -- or, the weird time-shifting nature of the internet -- hadn't altered the necessity of this post. Since all the evidence is FROM Friday, this post is being written on "Friday." (And besides, Sunday's post is already a wrap for later this morning.)

Friday, National Public Radio ran this:

Bob Dole on Investigating U.S. Attorney Case

Listen to this story...

All Things Considered, March 9, 2007 · This week, President Bush appointed former Sen. Bob Dole, along with former Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna Shalala, to chair a commission to examine veterans' medical care. The commission is part of the President's response to a series of articles in The Washington Post revealing inadequate conditions at Walter Reed and other facilities across the country. Michele Norris talks with Dole, who is currently a special counsel at the Washington law firm Alston and Bird.

One word: WHITEWASH.

Bob Dole is the most creepily partisan Republican prick in the history of the Republik(an). He is the vicious asshole who called World War I, II, Korea and Vietnam "Democrat wars." Hmmm. I wonder if he's calling the quagmire in Iraq a "Republican war"?


But the clueless "Young Turks" are giving him a pass -- like everyone else. As though he were an elder statesman. As if Bob Dole had ever cared about America. Look, Bob Dole was from Russell, Kansas, where my grandmother was born and never moved more than 30 miles from. For two horrible years, Bob Dole was my senator, and I've been watching the vicious prick for as long as I can remember. When I was a Republican, I STILL thought he was a gutter-level bastard. When I was a Democrat my view didn't change. Now that I'm an independent (or in the mildly insulting TLA of both parties, an "NAV" -- non-affiliated voter), it STILL hasn't changed, mostly because my opinion of Dole was based on a bedrock of cold, hard, facts:

Never has a more partisan politician disgraced the halls of our capitol. When he finally dies and/or returns to hell, any honest gravestone should read:

"Here lies Bob Dole (appropriately enough) who cared more for his party than for his country."


(Or, in Dole's case, liver spots.)

The appointment of Bob Dole to chair another "presidential commission" OUGHT to send up red flags and cause the old dive alarm to screech AAAHooooooGAH! AAAHooooooGAH! at the top of its electronic lungs. Bush used the 9/11 Commission to whitewash 9/11. And a commission whitewashed Katrina. Another one for Torture, etc. etc. etc.

In the absence of opposition, the Bushies used these commissions to whitewash and misdirect attention to their failures, and, seemingly unable to change their tricks, they are still trying. These crooks are nothing, if not consistent. The mere fact of naming Bob J. Dole as the Republican co-chair is sufficient to divine their purposes.

Any imbecile ought to know that. But I guess nobody in the national media or punditocracy was PAYING ANY ATTENTION to Dole's consistent behavior over a half century!

The dialogue all week (including last weeks' Young Turks) has been that this is a great thing, and Bob Dole, as a wounded veteran, will give a damn about the wounded vets. Er ... when exactly did you see that behavior before, pundits? I sure as hell haven't.

Unless you look at his consistent and unyielding priority ONE: Making sure that Republicans look Saintly and Democrats are, by definition, sinners. All Dole will do is anything to clear the Republicans for the blame.

They have been consistently abusing the troops for four years now. What on EARTH can possess the media idiots (partisan and otherwise) to give Bob Dole a pass? Are they kidding me?

The second I heard of another "commission," I knew the fix was in. When I heard that Bush was anointing Dole, any doubt was removed. The entire process took about half a second.

Never have US troops been so mistreated. Never have US troops been so shabbily treated within and following their enlistment. Never has the "militia" (you know, the one from the Second Amendment, which has always formed the counterbalance to the "regular army" and which we now call "National Guard") been so horrifically abused.

But you think that appointing another commission is an attempt to get at the truth? That Bob Dole will honestly put the blame where it belongs? That Bush and Dole share a common interest in the sufferings of non-Republicans?

Dream on.



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