1998 Legislative Agenda of the Democratic Party of Lane County 
Adopted February 7, 1998

Labor & Government Operations


  1. We support legislation to make it illegal for any employer to require, as a condition of employment, that an employee forfeits the right to organize. 

  2. We support legislation giving Foster Care workers the right to Worker's Compensation coverage. 

  3. Any Governor-appointed positions which have not had a Senate confirmation vote within sixty (60) days should automatically become approved. 

  4. Worker's compensation laws must be changed to better protect the rights of injured workers to:

  1. choose their health care provider,

  2. require employers to provide "suitable & available" work for compensable injuries,

  3. provide an expedited system for contested hearings. 

Agriculture, Natural Resources & Environment

  1. We continue to support tax credits for renewable energy systems.

  2. We support reform of the 1872 Mining Act to protect our resources. 

  3. We support "net metering" for renewable energy systems. 

Water & Land Use 

no proposals*  [see PLATFORM]


  1. We support funding technology from K-12 through higher education. We support networking all institutions of learning together. 

  2. We support eliminating the Oregon University System administration from the incidental and building fee processes. 

  3. We support an increase in faculty/teacher salaries for Oregon University System employees, with the goal of being 25th in the country in funding salaries. 

  4. We support a tuition rollback for in-state and out-of-state students at four (4) year institutions. 

  5. We support the Oregon University System and oppose any attempts to dissolve it. 

  6. We support fully funding the Oregon State Need Grant. 

  7. We oppose any attempt to restrict students recommendation power of the incidental or building fee. 

  8. We support reauthorization of the Federal Higher Education Act of 1965, and within that act support a redistribution from loan programs to grant programs. 

  9. We support provision of stable and adequate resources to provide appropriate class size, breadth of instruction, and adequate planning and training for transition in K thru 12 education. 

Health & Human Services

  1. We reaffirm our commitment to guarantee a woman's right to safe, legal, accessible abortion. 

  2. We support increased funding for HIV research. 

  3. The State of Oregon should maintain and expand the Oregon Health Plan and should regulate the growing health care industry in the best interest of our citizens. 


  1. We support continued development of passenger rail transportation along the I-5 corridor. 

  2. Repair and maintenance of existing state highway infrastructure shall be given priority over new construction. 

Rules & Elections

no proposals

Government Finance & Tax Policy

  1. We urge elimination of the corporate 2% "kicker." 

Ways & Means 

no proposals


  1. Provide for increased penalties and mandatory counseling for persons with repeated domestic violence convictions. 

  2. Provide for increased penalties for crimes committed while violating the conditions of a restraining order. 

  3. We oppose (anti-camping) ordinances which penalize the homeless for harmless, non-criminal activity such as eating and sleeping. 

  4. We oppose "daytime curfew" laws as an infringement on people's constitutional right to free travel, and their right to be protected against unreasonable search & seizure. 

  5. Move to redefine corporations as non-persons.

  6. Sovereign Indian Nations should be subject, in non-tribal businesses including gaming, to all state and federal laws. 

Business & Consumer Affairs

  1. We support the employment non-discrimination act (ENDA). 

Trade & Economic Development

  1. We oppose the sale or privatization of the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA).


The Legislative Agenda and the Platform are, taken together, 
the document formerly known as the "Platform"
click here to go to the other portion of this document